For me coaching is about making the changes in your life that take you closer to creating your personal and professional success.
It is a powerful and effective tool to help you navigate and bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be. It is your personalised plan.
It is really interesting the Harvard Business Review research on the Top 3 Reasons coaches are engaged. Coaches are engaged to:
1. Develop high potentials or facilitate transition 48%
2. Act as a sounding board 26%
3. Address derailing behaviour 12%
This research also found that a critical ingredient in a successful coaching relationship is the client being “highly motivated to change”. I totally agree that the people I coach (executives, entrepreneurs and all sorts of people wanting to get the most out of life) have a fierce desire to learn and grow. It is also about chemistry. The right match is absolutely key to the success of a coaching relationship. Without it, the trust required for optimal executive performance will not develop.
Through my coaching programs, I will equip you with effective tools, tips and personalised strategies to broaden and build your best personal and professional future path.